Jumat, 30 November 2007

The manner of approaching reading

The manner of approaching each reading or study of it. We can apply a worthwhile system for the student to give at least a fair trial. Among ather are:
  1. For the first reading relax. Read the selection casually, as you would some magazine articles, for whatever enjoyment or new ideas you can get it without straining. Do not stop to look up new words unles the sentences in which they are used are meaningless untill you do. But, have a pencil in hand and mark all words you are doubtful about, then go on.
  2. When finished with the first reading, put the book down; For a few minutes, think over what you have read.
  3. Then use the dictionary to help you undrestand the word you have marked. Do not make the mistake of finding the first or the shortest definition, and trying to memorize it. Instead, look at the various meanings, and for the words uses as noun, verb, and modifier. THink about them. Pronounce the word. Use it in a few sentences. I dentifying it with similar word you already know. Then see the author has used it.
  4. After you undrestand all the wors, read and think briefly about the assigned question and remarks following the selection. (The pargraph in each selection are numbered for easy reference)
  5. Then read the easy, pausing sometimes to ideas, marking sentences or phrase that seem to you especially interesting, miss leading, amusing, or well expressed.
  6. Then return to the question at the end. You will proably find that you have already provided most of the answer. If not, give them further thought, refering again to the essay need and to " A guide to term" or earlier explanations wherever necessary for though undrestanding.
  7. Next, try to evaluate the selection. What was the author trying to expalain? Did he succed in explaining? Was his endevour worthwhile?

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